Copyright D.P. Browne 2011
Lateral Revisions
The flight crew may revise the lateral flight in 3 ways:
The flight crew may select the DIRECT TO MCDU page using the MCDU direct page keys. This DIRECT TO page allows the flight crew to select a waypoint (from the flight plan or otherwise ) to be used as the TO waypoint.
The fight crew may modify/enter/delete several waypoints of an airway at once. The resulting modification is a temporary flight plan which is shown in dashed amber color on the ND. The temporary flight plan may then be inserted or deleted. Insertion makes the temporary modification permanent for the flight.
Type the waypoint name in the scratchpad.
Press the Left LSK to insert the waypoint.
The waypoint is inserted at the LSK line pressed, and the previous waypoint is moved downwards.
If there are more than 1 waypoint with the same name, a duplicates name page appears
Select the waypoint required on this page by pressing the associated Left LSK
The insertion creates a discontinuity in the flight plan, that can be cleared by the CLR button
Select the Flight Plan page and
select a lateral revision at the appropriate waypoint to show the Lateral Revision Page
Type the waypoint name into the scratchpad.
Press LSK 3R (NEXT WPT prompt).
The insertion creates a temporary flight plan and a discontinuity in the flight plan, that can be cleared by the CLR button.
Select LSK 6R to insert the waypoint into the flight plan.
The CLR button May be used to delete any waypoint in the flight plan. Press the CLR button and select the LSK to the left of the waypoint requiring deletion.
Select the waypoint required as the TO waypoint on the DIRECT TO page.
The flight plan is changed to fly from a Turning Point (TP) to the waypoint selected.