Copyright D.P. Browne 2011





Home.Cockpit.Aircraft Systems.Worked Example.Program Controls.Before Flight.

Speed Constraint



Using the Vertical Revision page


A speed constraint may be automatically applied to a waypoint as part of the SID or STAR procedure. A speed constraint may also be manually entered for a waypoint by the flight crew. The speed constraint applies to the waypoint it has been created for.

There are 2 ways to enter a speed constraint. It may be enter via the the speed constraint prompts on a vertical revision page for the waypoint or it may be entered directly ion the flight plan page for the waypoint.


Directly on the Flight Plan Page page


Select the Flight Plan page by pressing the F-PLN key on the MCDU


Select a vertical Revision at the required waypoint

Write the Speed Limit  value into the scratchpad



Enter the input at LSK3L




Select the Flight Plan page by pressing the F-PLN key on the MCDU


Write the Speed Limit  value into the  scratchpad



Enter the input using the right LSK next to the required waypoint.




Page the flight plan Up/Down as required to put the required waypoint in view on the flight plan page


A speed constraint may will be shown as its actual value in magenta on the flight plan, if performance calculations have not yet been enabled. Thereafter, a magenta astrix will appear by the speed value for the waypoint with a speed constraint.


Clearing a constraint


A speed, altitude or RTA constraint for any waypoint, may be cleared by selecting the CLR button and the Right LSK associated with the waypoint on the flight plan page. Note that this action clears all the constraints for the waypoint.