Copyright D.P. Browne 2011





Home.Cockpit.Aircraft Systems.Worked Example.Program Controls.Before Flight.

Take off



The V1 speed is indicated whilst not on the tape, otherwise it is a figure “1”. Rotate the aircraft at the Vr symbol which is a magenta circle. The V2 speed is the magenta speed bug





At rotation, The F/D will give guidance to acquire the SRS V2 + 10 speed and when NAV mode engages at 50 ft, the roll bar will give guidance to follow the flight plan





Manual takeoff




Passing thrust reduction altitude



After final checks for controls full and free movement (using the Flt Ctls SD page) and ensuring no “Blue To Do” messages are in view on the Upper ECAM, the take off may commence.  Release the parking Brake if on and push  forward on the thrust levers. This will initiate the take off roll and the take off modes.






The A/P may be engaged at any time when manually flying. However, flap settings and gear lever settings will need to be managed manually






Advancing the thrust levers to the MCT detent or the MAX TO detent engages the SRS and RNY mode.

If a temperature had been entered in the Performance take off page and the thrust levers set in the MCT detent, the thrust mode would be FLX TO.




When the aircraft passes the thrust reduction altitude the FMA will flash LVR CLB. If manually flying , the throttle levers must be pulled back to the CL detent position ( approx 75% position, if using a joy stick). The Auto Take Off function on the FMGS Aid  will automatically do this, and therefore the LVR CLB may not be seen.




Thrust Reduction Altitude


When the Throttles are moved back to the CL detent, the A/T will engage. Check that the A/THR turns from blue (armed) to white (engaged) in the FMA and that THR CLB appears green in the First FMA column





The CLB mode has engaged at the same time as the THR CLB. This is because the thrust  reduction altitude and the acceleration altitudes were set to the same value on the Performance take off page. Otherwise the SRS mode would remain engaged until the acceleration altitude has been passed













Engine Start

For the A330 simulation, the simulated aircraft must first be aligned with the  take off runway. If no visual is available, then the a Reposition to the take off position is available in the repositions dialog.