Copyright D.P. Browne 2011





Home.Cockpit.Aircraft Systems.Worked Example.Program Controls.Before Flight.

Engine Starting



Note that prior to engine start the MCDU flight plan must be complete with all the necessary performance elements entered.  There must be APU bleed air available for engine start.













Perf Entry

The aircraft should be in the following state, prior to engine start :





APU running


All electrical busses powered, no amber bus indications on the ELAC and ELDC pages


Parking brake on


ADIRU aligned, Attitude ball appears in both PFDs, and no MAP warnings on the ND


All information entered in the INIT A and INIT B pages on the MCDU


The FADECs take care of the engine start. They control the Starter Valve, fuel flow, etc and ensure against over temperature (EGT). For an automatic engine start, select the starter knob to the IGNITION position.






The system display will automatically change to show the Engine system display. The display changes back to the Doors page, if the master switch is not selected within 10 seconds.






Ensure that there is sufficient starter air pressure shown below the Starter Air SOV displays. The starter air pressure should be about 30 psi. The APU bleed should be supplying the air pressure






Select Engine 1 Master switch to ON. This begins the engine start sequence.






The starter air valve opens, and the Igniter indication is shown. The igniter are swapped from A to B etc every start.






The N2 value begins to increase, until about 30% N2, when the fuel flow is started





The FADECs close the starter air valve when the engines are stable at about 21% N1, 47% N2





After both engine start, the engine start knob should be returned to the normal position.