Copyright D.P. Browne 2011





Home.Cockpit.Aircraft Systems.Worked Example.Program Controls.Before Flight.

Take Off



Take Off Roll



Initial Climb Out



Direct to Wallasey



Ground control has requested that the aircraft line up on runway 24R, wind is from the left at a few knots. ( 320 deg / 3 knots) .

The Pilot Flying pushes forward on the thrust levers until they snap into the MCT detent. The FMA indicates FLEX, RNY TRK,  SRS.

The Pilot Non Flying calls out that the thrust is set, 80 knots, V1 and V Rotate.

The Pilot Flying rotates the aircraft to about 10 deg  of pitch and awaits the Pilot Non Flying call out of positive climb

The Pilot Flying request Gear Up.

The Pilot Flying follows the Flight Director queues and maintains V2 + 10 knots. The NAV mode engages and the aircraft is guided along the SID route towards Wallasey.

At 1750  ft the Thrust reduction mode begins ( THR CLB annunciated on the FMA )  and at 2750 ft the “LVR CLB” FMA annunciation flashes. The pilot flying moves the thrust levers out of the MCT detent and into the CL detent. This action changes the pitch mode to CLB

ATC advices the flight crew that they are direct to Wallesy and cleared to FL190.

The flight crew use the DIRCET TO function on the MCDU to go direct to wallasey (WAL) and select 19000 in the FCU altitude window. The PNF then pulls the altitude knob to engage Open Climb (OP CLB.)

The PF requests the PACKS to be put onto engine bleed on the overhead panel and set standard barro correction as the aircraft passes 5000 ft.

The APU is then selected to off. The APU will not be used again until after landing at Florida.  Note that the APU runs for another 90 seconds on a cool down cycle, since it had been selected to provide the bleed air.

The F and S symbols are monitored on the speed tape and the flaps lever is moved up to flaps Up position as requested by the PF as the speed increases








