Copyright D.P. Browne 2011
Open Climb
The open climb mode is a speed on elevator control law. The mode is used to climb from one altitude to another at a target speed, using climb thrust.
The arming conditions for an open climb mode are :
5 sec after lift off and no other vertical mode exists
LAND mode is not engaged
FCU altitude is higher than the current aircraft’s altitude
The open climb mode is engaged by the flight crew as follows:
Flight crew pulls out the Altitude Knob n the FCU
The open climb mode is automatically engaged if:
The aircraft reaches the acceleration altitude with CLB armed and NAV mode not engaged
The flight crew turn the SPD knob on the FCU whilst the SRS mode is engaged
The flight crew turn the SPD knob on the FCU whilst the EXPED CLB mode is engaged
Loss of NAV mode whilst the CLB mode is engaged.
The open climb mode is disengaged if any of the following occur:
Another vertical mode is engaged
Selection of an FCU Altitude below the current aircraft’s altitude ( Reversion to V/S speed mode)
The open climb mode guides the aircraft in a climb, at a constant thrust setting and at target speed. The targets speed is either the FCU Speed or Mach, or a managed speed from the MCDU. The thrust setting is either maintained by the Auto thrust or it is controlled by the flight crew using the thrust levers.
The open climb mode is a selected mode, and will disregard any altitude constraints set in the flight path. These altitude constraint will be shown as white circles on the Nav display instead of Magenta.
Open Climb mode when armed is not annunciated on the FMA. Only CLB mode when armed is annunciated.