Copyright D.P. Browne 2011





Home.Cockpit.Aircraft Systems.Worked Example.Program Controls.Before Flight.

ILS Approach


Non-ILS approach





The FMGS provides two types of approach modes, ILS and Non-ILS approach. The ILS mode uses the LOC and G/S modes and the Non-ILS uses the FINAL and APP NAV modes.


To enter an approach into the FMGS, the flight crew select the lateral revision of the destination on the MCDU Flight Plan page. To arm the approach mode, the flight crew press the APPR button on the FCU.




The arming conditions for an ILS approach are:


An ILS approach is selected in the Arrival Page of the destination airport

The aircraft is above 400 ft Radio Altitude

The ILS and Radio Altitude singnals are valid and available

Go-around or Take off mode is not engaged

ILS frequency and course are identical in both NAV radio Receivers



The ILS approach mode engages automatically if the arm conditions are met and the LOC deviation falls within the engagement criteria. LOC must capture first before G/S is allowed to be captured. The current approach capability is displayed in the 4th column of the FMA




The ILS approach mode may be disengaged only by selecting Go-around, or after landing, or by selecting both A/Ps and both F/Ds off.


The ILS approach mode may be disarmed, if not yet engaged by:


Pressing the FCU APPR button when illuminated

Pressing the LOC button ( will only disarm the G/S mode )

Engaging the Go-around mode

Pulling the HDG knob

This mode is an extension of the FMGC flight path entered into the MCDU. The mode will guide the aircraft down to the MDA or MDH. The mode uses the VOR, VOR-DME, NDB way points entered into the flight plan


Once approach is armed, ( G/S and LOC appear as armed pitch and roll modes on  the FMA) the 2nd A/P can be engaged.


The 2nd A/P light will illuminate on the FCU. When the slats are extended the Go Around mode becomes available if required.


Dual A/P control is available for the approach and for Go Around.