Copyright D.P. Browne 2011





Home.Cockpit.Aircraft Systems.Worked Example.Program Controls.Before Flight.












The arming conditions for an open climb mode are :


5 sec after lift off and no other vertical mode exists

LAND mode is not engaged

FCU altitude is higher than the current aircraft’s altitude

CLB mode armed in magenta, when the next altitude target is a constraint from the MCDU


CLB mode armed in blue, when the next altitude target is the FCU altitude.


The mode engages when the following conditions are met


5 sec after lift off and no other vertical mode exists

Descent, Approach or go-around phase is not active

FCU altitude is higher than the current aircraft’s altitude

NAV mode is engaged

The Climb mode ( if armed on the ground before takeoff ) engages automatically when the aircraft reaches the Acceleration Altitude . Another automatic engagement is when the aircraft sequence a alt constraint way point and recommences the climb to the cruise altitude.


When the Climb mode is active :


V/S FCU window shows dashes

LVL CHG dot on the FCU illuminates

The FMA shows CLB in green for the pitch mode

The mode disengages if the following occur


NAV mode is lost ( OP CLB then engages if appropriate )

Another vertical mode is engaged

FCU altitude is changed to be lower than the aircraft’s altitude ( V/S then engages )

The Climb mode manages the aircraft’s vertical flight path to climb at the target speed. The target speed may be either the MCDU Managed speed or the selected FCU speed.


The Climb mode takes account of any altitude constraints within the climb segment of the flight plan. The Climb mode will allow an altitude capture to a constrained altitude which is “At / or Bellow”.


The corresponding A/THR mode  for CLB is the “THR CLB”, which sets maximum climb thrust.


The FCU altitude will always be the limiting altitude for the climb mode. ALT * mode will automatically engage when the aircraft's altitude is close to the FCU altitude, and thus cancel the climb mode. The FCU altitude is normally set to the ATC clearance altitude at any time.


The Climb (CLB) mode is used to transition the aircraft from the Take off phase to the cruise altitude.


The Climb mode manages the aircraft’s vertical flight path to climb at a target speed.


The Climb mode may be used from the acceleration altitude to the Top Of Climb (T/C) and for ant step climb in the cruise phase.