Copyright D.P. Browne 2011





Home.Cockpit.Aircraft Systems.Worked Example.Program Controls.Before Flight.

Flight Director (F/D)



The Flight Director displays guidance commands from the FMGC. The F/D use their respective onside FMGCs to produce the green F/D bars on the PFD. The pilot may follow the  F/D to control the flight path of the aircraft in order to acquire the target values either from the FCU (selected) or from the MCDU (Managed).


There are 3  types of F/D display.



These F/D bars are displayed for all FMGS modes when the HDG V/S mode has been selected on the FCU.


There is a separate pitch (horizontal) bar and roll (vertical) bar.

Below 30ft and with an available localizer, the roll bar is replaced with a yaw bar.


This yaw bar is displayed in the FMGS mode of RNWY.

When the TRK FPA mode is selected on the FCU, the F/D bars are replaced with a single Flight Path Director (FPD) bar.


In addition a Flight Path Vector (FPV) symbol appears, in this mode.




The F/D are engaged by pressing the the respective F/D push button on the ND Control panel on the glare shield. When the F/D is engaged, the F/D push button on the ND control panel is illuminated and the FMA indicates the F/D that is engaged.




The F/D are disengaged by

       pressing the the respective F/D push button on the ND Control panel on the glare shield.

       No active vertical or lateral modes exist.

      Activation of automatic speed prevention