Copyright D.P. Browne 2011





Home.Cockpit.Aircraft Systems.Worked Example.Program Controls.Before Flight.

Descent to Orlando



With Orlando now just over 200 nm away, the flight crew prepare for the descent and approach. The approach data is entered into the Approach performance page on the MCDU and the descent and approach procedures are repotted. .

ATC requests that the aircraft descend to and maintain FL280 . The Flight crew select 28000 on the FCU and descend in V/S mode.

ATC requests that the aircraft descend to and maintain 16000 ft . The Flight crew select 16000 on the FCU and descend now in a selected path mode by pulling  the FCU altitude knob in to select Open Descent mode.

ATC now request the aircraft onto specific headings, guiding the flight toward the ILS intercept for runway 27R of Sanford airport.

The flight crew select HDG by pulling the Heading Knob on the FCU and adjust the aircraft's heading as required by ATC. The original NAV flight path in green now becomes  a dotted green line.

At 15 miles out, the flight crew select APP button on the FCU to arm the G/S and LOC modes ready for an ILS approach into Sanford.  

Prior to ILS capture the the flight crew perform the Approach checks.  The aircraft is set ready for ILS capture. The flight crew select Flaps 1








