Copyright D.P. Browne 2011





Home.Cockpit.Aircraft Systems.Worked Example.Program Controls.Before Flight.

Thrust levers




Max Reverse

To engage the reverse thrust, the thrust levers need to be position in the idle position and then the thrust reverse levers pulled upwards.


The idle detent signals the FADECs and A/THR to give engine idle thrust.  


This detent is the normal detent for flight. The flight crew place the thrust levers in the CL detent to cause the A/THR system to control the aircraft thrust and speed.

Max continuous / Flex

This detent is used to set the flex take off thrust. It is also te detent to use for single engine operation.


This detent signals the FADECs to give full take off or Go around power.

The thrust levers can be operated manually, similar to any other aircraft. With the Auto thrust system not engaged, the thrust lever position commands the engine thrust in the traditional manner. With the Auto thrust system engaged, the thrust lever position is used to command certain A/THR  modes

There are several detents in the thrust lever positions, which are used to signal thrust settings to the FADECs and engines.








