Copyright D.P. Browne 2011





Home.Cockpit.Aircraft Systems.Worked Example.Program Controls.Before Flight.

Speed Brake Panel


The speed brake is located on the pedestal, behind the MCDU on the left hand side. The speed brake lever is pulled to arm when required for ground spoilers and pushed down and positioned when required as a speed brake in the air.


To aid the observed speed brake lever position, the A330 PC simulation has an additional indication light. This is not present on the actual aircraft as tactile feel and the ability to observe the lever in 3D are sufficient, to understand the lever position.


On the A330 PC simulation, the lower pedestal has been foreshortened and so the speed brake panel is shown at the rear of the pedestal.


When the speed brake lever is pulled up it, to arm the speed brakes, it reveals a white band.











Apu Starter Panel