Home.Cockpit.Aircraft Systems.Worked Example.Program Controls.Before Flight.

FCU Set up prior to take off



Select the F/D On


Arm NAV mode


Select managed speed


Select ATC cleared altitude



Arm MCDU vertical guidance


F/D switched on


Selecting Managed speed


Arming NAV mode


Arming CLB mode


The F/D is selected by pressing the FD button on the Nav Control Panel.

When the F/D is selected on the green F/D bars will appear on the PFD, and the FMA will announce FD 1 or FD 2 or 1 FD 2 if both F/Ds are on. .





The FCU selection for speed before takeoff, is to push in the speed knob so as to select managed speeds.

The Speed target on the PFD speed tape changes from the value previously shown in the FCU speed window to the V2 speed shown on the Performance Take off page.







Note that the SRS mode will control speed to this V2 value + 10 knots






If the managed speeds for the climb segment are not suitable the pilot may pre select a speed on the Performance Climb page. This can be done so long as the climb phase is not active.

On the performance climb page enter a required selected speed in the PRE SEL entry. This will cause the FMA on the PFD to show the pre selected speed as “SPEED SEL : XXX” where XXX is the pilot entered speed.

To return to a managed climb speed simply select the MANAGED speed entry which is highlighted by a star.

When the climb phase begins, the managed speed changes automatically to the pre selected speed. The FCU speed window is initialized with that speed.







pushing in the heading knob in will arm the MCDU NAV mode, so long as a suitable flight plan has been entered into the MCDU








FCU Altitude


If the selected altitude on the FCU is above the first altitude constraint then the target altitude shown on the altitude tape will be in magenta., otherwise it would be shown in blue









pushing in the Altitude knob in will arm the MCDU climb mode, so long as all the performance data has been entered into the MCDU.










The magenta altitude indicates that the first altitude that the aircraft will be guided to is a constraint altitude.









When the target altitude is shown as blue, the aircraft will be guided to the altitude that is being displayed on the FCU.









CLB is shown in the 2nd FMA column as the armed mode. It is in blue if the FCU altitude is the current target altitude. Else it is in magenta if the current target altitude is a constraint altitude from the MCDU.










NAV is shown in the 3rd FMA column as the armed mode.


















Perf Entry
Engine Start