Copyright D.P. Browne 2011





Home.Cockpit.Aircraft Systems.Worked Example.Program Controls.Before Flight.

When the flight crew enters a hold pattern, the FMGS computes a holding pattern for the required waypoint and offers the hold to the flight crew.

The  flight crew may select ENTER to enter the hold into the flight plan or ERASE to remove the temporary hold pattern.

The flight crew may also modify the hold pattern criteria, such as In-bound Course, Side, and Hold leg time. If any modification takes place the MCDU offers the flight crew a return to the original computed data with a computed prompt.







Initially automatically calculated and displayed. Modifiable from 0 to 359 degrees



Either L or R. It shows the turn direction of the holding pattern. This field is  is modifiable.




In minutes, default is 1 under 10000ft and 1.5 above. This field is  is modifiable.





Based upon the fuel state. This predicts the time that should not be exceeded to meet the airline fuel policy.



The estimated Fuel On Board at the time of Last Exit UTC.



When the flight crew enters a hold pattern,the flight plan page shows the hold together with its Left or Right turn value. In addition there is a deceleration  waypoint added.





When the aircraft is in the holding pattern an EXIT prompt appears. If this is selected, the hold pattern is removed and the flight plan resumed at the appropriate hold turn.  





A hold page is accessible to almost any way point by selecting the lateral revision for that waypoint




Holding patterns are usually applied to waypoint in the descent or STAR part oft he flight plan




Hold Page