Copyright D.P. Browne 2011
PFD : Altitude tape
The Altitude is indicated by an altitude tape on the right of the ADI.
At the bottom of the altitude tape is the Barometric correction value. This shows QNH in white followed by the value selected on the on side NAV control panel. When the barometric setting knob is pulled it sets a standard barometric value of 1013.25 mBar which is shown as a white STD within a yellow box instead of the QNH setting.
The target altitude is display above or below the altitude when the aircraft is more than 500 ft from it. The target altitude may be displayed in magenta ( managed CLB/DES profile ) or in blue for the selected altitude from the FCU.
The target altitude is display on the altitude tape as a magenta or blue box, when the aircraft is maintaining that altitude.
It is a blue box, when the aircraft is maintaining the selected altitude from the FCU.
It is a magenta box, when the aircraft is maintaining an intermediate altitude from the MCDU, ( managed CLB/DES profile).