Copyright D.P. Browne 2011





Home.Cockpit.Aircraft Systems.Worked Example.Program Controls.Before Flight.



Note that in the FMGS Aid, and MCDU Aid, the INIT A page is still available until actual take off phase, to avoid the inability of entering the flight data by mistake.








The INIT page (A/B) is accessible from the direct access keys. The page is only available during the PRE FLIGHT phase. Initially the INIT A and B pages show dashes or boxes, and require data entry by the flight crew before any performance or route data can be shown or used.







The INIT page (A/B) is a primary input page for the flight crew. The data inputs on the INIT A and INIT B pages are required to be filled in before a flight may use the FMGC flight plan.






The INIT page A requires information about the route (From and To ) , Cruise altitude, Cost index. The INIT page B requires information about the aircraft in  order to perform the flight predictions. This information is the aircraft weight, Fuel on Board, Cg etc.






Boxed Data entries are mandatory inputs.