Copyright D.P. Browne 2011





Home.Cockpit.Aircraft Systems.Worked Example.Program Controls.Before Flight.

Descent winds

On the ground, a History Wind prompt is available to load the wind data from the end of the last flight. Selecting this prompt will load the History wind into the Climb. phase wind data.






History Wind


Wind entry


To enter data on any of the wind pages, type into the scratchpad the wind speed, heading and altitude as shown.

Press LSK 1L, 2L, 3L or 4L as appropriate to enter the  scratchpad   data into the MCDU.

The wind pages can show up to 4 wind speeds






Page Prompts





Calls up the history wind page, available on ground only


ACARS call to load wind values from external source


Calls up a the next wind page, eg CRUISE or DESCENT


Note on the PC simulation there is no external ACARS functionality.





The winds for Climb, cruise and descent are required by the FMGS to make reliable predictions and performance values.

The wind pages enable the flight crew to enter and review the winds speeds and directions for various flight phase.

There are 3 wind pages :





The wind page is accessed via the Performance page, INIT A page, or a vertical revision page.



Climb Winds

Cruise Winds