Copyright D.P. Browne 2011
Data Page 2
Each navigational item, Way point, Nav Aid, Runway or route in the FMGC may be examined using this page.
These selections are given on the left hand side of the Data page 2.
Each sub page works in a similar manner by allowing the pilot to enter an item (waypoint, Nav Aid, Route etc.) and then displaying the information held within the FMGS about that item.
An example is given for the Nav Aid of “MID”
On the right of Data page 2, there are prompts that allow the pilots to enter their own way points, Nav aids etc.
To store a new identifier, the pilot enters the name in the appropriate Identifier page using the left hand LSKs.
This results in a NEW Identifier page, since the named ident was not found in the data base.
The pilot may fill in the details of the new identifier and then store this item into the FMGC data base.
There may be up to 20 stored items in t he FMGC. It is these stored identifiers, that are accessible from the right hand LSK of the Data page 2.
The current version of the A330 simulation does not allow for stored identifiers.