Copyright D.P. Browne 2011
L/R PFD/ND EWD and SD Dusplay Unit (DU) fail
When these malfunctions are activated, the respective Display Unit power module fails and the display unit blanks. In the case of the PFD, the respective ND automatically changes to a PFD. In the case of the EWD, the System Display (SD) automatically reverts to displaying the EWD.
To acquire System Display pages the flight crew may select the SD onto a ND, or hold down a required system page on the ECAM Control panel. Whilst the button is being held down the EWD in the SD position reverts back to the SD.
Display System Malfunctions
The A330 simulation offers the following malfunctions for the Display system :
DMC Failure , 1,2 & 3
When these malfunctions are activated, the respective DMC fails with a consequence of loss of data t their respective DUs. The DU then display a diagonal green line. In order to recover the DU the flight crew must make an appropriate selection DMC for that DU. The EWD / SD automatically change to receiving another DMC, but the flight crew are prompted to ensure the ECAM DMC knob is selected to correspond.
Failure of an DMC causes the ECAM message “EIS DMC Fail” with a aural caution alert and illumination of the master caution.